Talent is the core driver of United Gulf’s business philosophy. We strive to attract the right talent, which can complement our business growth. United Gulf has been fairly successful in identifying the talent that has helped us to reach where we are today, in a short span of time.
On-boarding is a part of a long-term investment in a new employee. Our elaborate on-boarding program is designed to provide easy access to basic information, policies and procedures, working culture and career path. Onboarding is a process whereby it gets the new joinee up to speed with the policies, procedures, culture, expectations, and day-to-day responsibilities for your department/unit. It gives clarity and allows new him/her to take an active role in their assignments.

New Manager Transition
The most challenging time for leaders is often in the early days of leading and managing others. The biggest shift is from being a manager of self to a manager of others. The shift from only having to manage yourself to having to manage other people around you can be challenging, especially for young, inexperienced leaders. Once the initial leadership skills have been learnt, the progression to manager of managers and leader of leaders becomes much easier.

Leadership Development
The following three are critical elements of our leadership development programs:
Explicit and measurable correlation to the business strategy
Intense focus on the behavioral shifts required of leaders
Integrating learning into natural work processes